NDT L2 Refresher Training & Examination Preparation
Course Duration: 8 to 16 hours per method
Course Fees: £325 per day
Course Description
Aerospace Only Available On Request The Workshop covers Refresher Training for individuals wishing to take: EN4179 Employer Based recertification examinations at Level II PCN Aero recertification Level II

Magnetic Particle
Eddy Current
Subjects may be reviewed in an order mutually agreeable to the participant and the instructor.
Participants are grouped by NDT Method and work at their own pace doing practice examinations under the constant supervision of a Level III (3) instructor. Student problems are addressed as they occur.

The objective of the Level II Workshop is to optimise preparation of the participant for employer based re-certification examinations at Level II by identification of weaknesses.
Although we may recommend the number of days according to the method, our aim is to meet the requirements of the individual participant.
The objective of the Level II (2) refresher training is to prepare the participant for Employed Based and PCN Level 2 recertification examinations by concentration of work in weak areas. Again we may recommend the number of days according to the method and type of examination being taken, but our aim is to meet the requirements of the individual participant.
It is stressed that this is a refresher course.